Melissa Harris-Perry Apologizes to the Romneys After Jokes About Black Grandson

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Over the past week, conversative furor over a segment aired on Melissa Harris-Perry last Sunday has grown. CNN and Fox News correspondents have called for the firing of the show's host for jokes made about Mitt Romney's adopted black grandchild, Kieran.

Though the jokes were light-hearted and meant to poke fun at the adult Romneys and not the child, Harris-Perry was moved to make a formal apology this morning on air.

With tears in her eyes, Harris-Perry told her audience.

Showing the photo in that context, that segment, was poor judgment. so without reservation or qualification, I apologize to the Romney family. Adults who enter into public life, implicitly consent to having less privacy, but their families, especially their children, should not be treated callously or thoughtlessly. My intention was not malicious, but I broke the ground rule that families are off-limits. For that I am sorry.

I certainly salute Melissa for expeditiously offering a sincere apology. I Stand With Melissa because I understand that inspite of (of perhaps because of) the fact that she is a black woman with a P.HD and a national television platform, she has to walk more cautiously than her peers.

Her importance in the cable news space is evidenced each week by the way she tackles subjects that others wouldn't dare.

Kimberly Foster is the founder and editor of For Harriet. Email or


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