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Girl Scout Troop 176 of Chesapeake Bay attended an open meeting at the Cecil County animal shelter in Maryland in concern of recent incidents of animal abuse and cruelty. The girls held homemade signs reading "Stop Abuse," "Save the Animals," and "All Animals Matter."
Adult supporters of the animal control vendor A Buddy for Life that were at the meeting began yelling at the girls in response to their protest of the poor treatment. The Girl Scouts were told to "go back to Baltimore, where you belong," and were called animals.
The video below captures part of the incident.
Joneka Percentie is a rising junior studying Mass Media Communications, Africana Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies at UNC Charlotte. When she’s not working with SPARK Movement, or tweeting @jpercentie, she enjoys singing, reading, and sleeping. Email her at joneka.percentie@forharriet.com