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Bugembe, director of the film, shares her personal ties to the main character’s story. “My brother has been in and out of prison for ten years. My family has been dealing with what that means for just as long,” she said in her director’s statement. Between her lived experiences and learning that 1 in 34 adult US citizens were under some form of correctional supervision, Bugembe decided to make a film that people with similar situations could relate to. “There are so many films told from the perspective of those who have gone to prison; I wanted to give a voice to their families and the lasting effect that it leaves on their lives.”
Learn more about the film on their website and contribute to making the film a reality by contributing on their GoFundMe.
Photo: The Homecoming Staff
Deonna Anderson is Junior Editor at For Harriet. Follow her on Twitter @iamDEONNA.
black women directors black women filmmakers crowdfunding family filmmaking incarceration independent films
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