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Because Of Them We Can is a creative organization that features black kids dressed up as black icons 365 days a year (See For Harriet Costume Contest). The founder of BOTWC, Eunique Jones Gibson, created the initiative as an avenue to celebrate Black History all year long. By doing this Gibson hopes to encourage young girls and boys to become like the black heroes they’ve learned to love. So it came as no surprise when some of these future icons responded to Stacey Dash about her wanting to cancel Black History Month and channels like BET.
Watch this video to see what these ado-ra-ble kids had to say to Stacey; proving you’re never too young to tell it like it is!
We told a group of kids that Stacey Dash was canceling Black History Month...#happyblackhistorymonth #becauseofthemwecan #inspiredbyignorance
Posted by Because of Them We Can by Eunique Jones on Monday, February 1, 2016