Solange is back with a video for her new single "Losing You." The clip features Solange in a variety of patterned, printed outfits surrounded by equally well-dressed gentleman in South Africa. She drafted her good friend Melina Matsouskas to direct.
"When Melina and I decided to film 'Losing You' in South Africa, we really didn't have a real firm concept in place," the Sol-Angel and the Hadley St. Dreams creator told Pitchfork. "It was sort of a grab a camera and let's go moment.
"I knew I wanted to capture a couple things: the vibe of our friendship
and all of the crazy escapades we've gotten ourselves into all over the
world, and the abstract and elegant Le Sape Society (Society for the
Advancement of People of Elegance) formed in the Congo which was
documented by Daniele Tamagni in his Gentleman of Bacongo book. We
called Daniele to guide us, and some of my friends from New York came
down to Cape Town and we all had a very damn good time."

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