Misty Copeland, Accompanied by Yo-Yo Ma, Gives an Astounding Performance on the Late Show

Principal dancer for the American Ballet Theatre, Misty Copeland, recently appeared on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert and gave an exceptional performance accompanied by renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma.

During her appearance Copeland spoke to Colbert about diversity in ballet saying she has never felt a cultural burden in speaking out about race. "I've always felt very comfortable, and it's felt very organic, for me to speak about race because I understand the importance of bringing more diversity to classical ballet," Copeland said. "It's never felt to me like a burden or anything I was putting on."
Copland said that she aims "not just to be a ballerina," but "to be that voice and to make change in the classical ballet world."

  Watch below her performance and interview below.

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