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What’s not to love about Nicki Minaj’s 16 minute short film featuring some of the songs from ‘The Pinkprint’ album?
Nicki's short film is broken up into three parts: ‘The Crying Game,’ ‘I Lied,’ and ‘Grand Piano’ and is laced with visual imagery of Nicki’s talent, vulnerability, and honesty concerning self and relationships. The three songs that she chose to highlight tugs at our hearts as it reflects the experiences a lot of women have and continue to endure.
What do you think about Nicki’s film?
Photo: YouTube
Randie Henderson is a Gates Millennium Scholar and recent college grad. She is driven to write, read, learn, and educate about ways to dismantle oppression in America and globally because she is passionate about people and justice. You can find her on music videos Nicki Minaj rap
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