Michelle Obama: America Will Miss "Having a Grown Up in the White House"

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In her final interview as First Lady, Michelle Obama sat down with Oprah to discuss her husband's legacy and the state of the nation. She tells the media mogul that she knows the President achieved his goal of bringing hope to the country because "now we're feeling what not having hope feels like."

She underscored the sincerity of the Barack Obama's uplifting message of "hope and change," and stressed it's importance in building a thriving society.

"Barack didn't just talk about hope because he though it as a nice slogan to get votes," she said "...what else do you have if you don't have hope?"

While Mrs. Obama did not directly address the Trump Administration in the clip, she alludes to the change coming to the White House, saying the country "will come to appreciate...having a grown-up in the White House who can say to you in times of crisis and turmoil, 'Hey, it's gonna be ok. Let's remember the good things that we have. Let's look at the future."

In the sit down, Mrs. Obama also addresses how she's been misrepresented as "angry" in the media. She says she's made peace with it by recognizing that she is more than the comments she encounters. "This isn't about me," she told Oprah. "This is about the people who write it."


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