Short Film "Yellow Fever" Uncovers the Trauma Inflicted by European Beauty Ideals

Across the world, women of African descent are traumatized by unachievable white standard of beauty. Colorism is a component of institutionalized white supremacy that holds us all hostage.

Ng’endo Mukii created this short film that delves briefly into the painful effects of the color hierarchy. Yellow Fever mixes animation and live action scenes to tell the story.

Mukii said of her inspiration: “I am interested in the concept of skin and race, and what they imply; in the ideas and theories sown into our flesh that change with the arc of time. The idea of beauty has become globalised, creating homogenous aspirations, and distorting people’s self-image across the planet. In my film, I focus on African women’s self-image, through memories and interviews; using mixed media to describe this almost schizophrenic self-visualization that I and many others have grown up with.”

h/t OkayPlayer via Shadow & Act

Kimberly Foster is the founder and editor of For Harriet. Email or


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